No Prestasi: 710
Dosen yang Berhasil Menerbitkan 14 Buku dalam Kurun Waktu 1 Tahun (Tahun 2021)
Harits Setyawan is a lecturer; researcher; national and international journal reviewer; and book writer. He works as an English lecturer at Institut Teknologi Sumatera (ITERA), Indonesia. He started lecturing at campus in 2012 and reached 5 districts in Lampung province including: Former National English Center (NEC) facilitator at STIKes Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung; Former English lecturer at Perguruan Tinggi Teknokrat, now known as Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia; Former English lecturer at Dian Cipta Cendikia (DCC) Tanjung Senang;
Harits consistently presents his research articles in national and international workshops and publishes his research articles in national and international journals. His published research articles are among them: Analysis of Students’ Errors in Using Correlative Conjunction in Their Writing, Speech Acts Used by the English Teacher in the Classroom, Face Acts in the Classroom Interaction, College Policy Effects on Students’ Motivation in Learning English as a Supplementary Subject, Six Years Learning of English, Undergraduates’ Awareness of English Irregular Verbs, and Blended Method: Online-Offline Teaching and Learning on Students’ Reading Achievement.
Beside conducting research, Harits reviews research articles published in SMART Journal which is the journal of English Study Program at STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung, now known as Universitas Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung. He also reviews research articles published in International Linguistic Research which is one of international journals managed by Ideas Spread Inc.
Besides a lecturee he is olso known as a writer. He olso has published a lot of books, and in this years ( 2021 ) as we know he has publish 14 books. As a record no lecture even do it before. So, Lembaga Prestasi Indonesia Dunia ( LEPRID ) evaluate that this achievement deserves to be given an award
Lembaga Prestasi Indonesia Dunia ( LEPRID ) recorded this achievement with the number 710